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Why "The Chocolate Regimen"? 

stay healthy

The quality of the foods we eat certainly affect our overall health.


Our Chocolate Regimen products not only taste delicious and provide an exceptional chocolate experience, but additionally they are a source of numerous known health benefits. 


The Chocolate Regimen is a rich source of over 500 complex compounds, minerals, fats, and essential vitamins including magnesium, calcium, potassium, and chromium. 


The Chocolate Regimen contains high levels of the world's best fat, not olive oil as previously thought, but rather cocoa butter. This fat will not store in the fat cells and leaves the body daily- therefore No Weight Gain. Cacao/Cocoa Butter contains beneficial antioxidants which slow down cell aging, decrease the risk of heart attack and can prevent the development of tumors and disease. 

The World's Healthiest Chocolate
Originating in the World's Rainforests

Top 15 Health Benefits of
the Chocolate regimen

1. Top Antioxidant Plant-Based Food Known to Man
2. Combats Chronic Fatigue
3. Energy Booster
4. May Reduce Inflammation and Joint Pain
5. Lowers Blood Pressure
6. Lowers Bad LDL Cholesterol & Increases Good HDL
7. Reduces Symptoms of PMS
8. Helps to Reduce IBS Systems
9. May Reduce or Completely Eliminate Migraines
10. Improves Immune System to Help Fight Disease
11. Diminishes Heartburn / Motion Sickness / Nausea
12. Inhibits Bacterial Growth (less sickness, colds, etc.)
13. Combats Depression by Being a Natural MAOI
14. Maintains Younger / Healthier Looking Skin
      (by ingesting or topically applying Cocoa Butter)
15. Helps to Lose Weight / Meal Supplement / Low Calorie Snack

Eat Chocolate.
Get Healthy.


1 pound package, 16 day supply

Chocolate Regimen
Chocolate Regimen

Raw Roasted Cacao Nibs

Chocolate Covered Cacao Nibs

1 pound package, 16 day supply

Great Healthy Supplement!

for Smoothies, Dipped Fruits, Oatmeal, etc.

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Chocolate Regimen

Great Healthy Snack!

Chocolate Regimen

The Chocolate Regimen

Healthy Chocolate for

Enhanced Health and Well-Being

28-piece/2 week supply

84-piece/6 week supply

Best Value!

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Chocolate Regimen
Chocolate Regimen
Chocolate Regimen
keto friendly gluten free
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